Access to capital & opportunities for all.

Capital Impact, CDC Small Business Finance, Ventures Lending Technologies, and Momentus Securities are part of the Momentus Capital branded family of organizations. Stronger together, we are expanding equitable capital and opportunities for communities, providing them with the momentum they need for success.

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Three small business entrepreneurs pose for image at groundbreaking
Get to Know Us

Our vision.

An economic system that respects and uplifts all peoples’ right to achieve the dreams they have for themselves, their communities, and generations to come.

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Momentus Capital

Experience you can trust.

Capital Impact, CDC Small Business Finance, Ventures Lending Technologies, and Momentus Securities leverage 80+ years of combined experience supporting economic mobility and wealth creation.

A continuum of capital.

We are expanding opportunities for small business owners, social enterprise leaders, community-minded developers, and creators of community facilities by providing a continuum of capital.

Financial Capital

Flexible financing options, including a range of debt and equity products to meet partner needs.

Knowledge Capital

We leverage years of experience to bring partners business advising, assistance, and training.

Social Capital

We provide social capital through connections to networks and people that can help our partners succeed.

Built for impact.

Momentus Capital’s digital platforms utilize a technology-forward approach that enables community lenders to scale and reach deeper into underestimated communities. Over the last five years over $75 billion in capital transactions have been processed using our proprietary technology by over 250 lenders.


Annual lending & impact investments


Investments deployed through family of organizations

Rooted in social mission.

We are driving change. Driven by purpose, not profit, Momentus Capital brings an innovative, holistic approach to get resources into the hands of more local leaders and entrepreneurs.

National Presence, Local Focus

We bring our listen-first approach to communities nationwide and leverage experience to meet local community needs.

Serve as Market Innovators

We develop lending products and impact investments for borrowers whose projects traditionally have been denied.

Address Systemic Issues

We address systemic issues through training, mentorship, and network building for developers and entrepreneurs.

Transform Capital Markets

We create connections to deliver investment opportunities that generate both financial returns and social impact.


Meet our

Momentus Capital’s mission-focused leadership team brings decades of experience supporting community and economic development.

Meet Our Leadership


Mosaic image of small business entrepreneurs and community development professionals

The Moment is Now

Redefine success with us.

Our success isn’t just measured by the loans we close, but through the social impact these projects have in the communities they serve. Where others see risk, we see opportunity. Contact us to discuss investing opportunities.

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Momentus Capital

“Bold and innovative new thinking”

Supporting Momentus Capital is a natural fit for Heron Foundation’s effort to champion people, places, and enterprises who challenge broken conventions and dare to change. This new enterprise brings bold and innovative new thinking to the financial service sector to overcome systemic issues. We’ve already seen the resulting impact with and for communities, and know that will only grow in the years to come.

President, Heron Foundation


“Expand access to capital and opportunities”

We are excited to support the launch of Momentus Capital, which will bring together the expertise and people needed to help DIVERSE entrepreneurs and local leaders thrive. This new team will build upon the work of its predecessors and support community-led solutions, and expand access to capital and opportunities to underserved entrepreneurs.

Head of Corporate Responsibility Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives (DEI), JPMorgan Chase



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